Tuesday 27 May 2014

China Health Qigong Professor Li Rensong visit Sydney

Relaxation Qigong Workshop 9-4pm 6-7th June 2014
Venue:  Dooleys 24-28 John Street, Lidcombe, NSW, 2141
Feeling stressed and rundown? Come joining us for a relaxing weekend and free yourself from stress!
Free you from stress, tiredness and pain, relaxing nourishing yourself at the long weekend. Calm your mind, tone your body as a new person, pack the knowledge away enjoying the life time benefit of harmony balanced in happy living.
Why Health Qigong?
  • Simple method, powerful result of + 100% natural self-energy healing
  • Relax your mind, strengthen your body
  • Power and serenity, build up energy within
  • Helps nervous system, breathing, blood circulation, endocrine system
Health Qigong is called Chi Yoga or Chi dancing, which has been practised for over 5000 years, originally created by herbalist doctors as part of Chinese medicine for self-energy healing. Meditation leads Chi and the "Chi" energy acu-pressure therapy activates the body's Acu-points and meridians to address the cause of imbalances and clear the "blockages" to build up energy and heal disease.
Who should attend?
  • Stressed from everyday living with symptoms such as headache, poor sleep, stiff neck or shoulders, backache?
  • Suffering diabetes, menopause and high blood pressure?
  • CEO or human resources managers, supervise your staff at workplace
  • Fitness Instructor or health industry staff, school teachers
  • Psychologist, physiotherapist, doctor, herbalist
  • Whoever wants to spend a short amount of time and get life-time health benefits for everyday living
If you are under stress or have any of these health problems, this workshop is for you.
What you are going to achieve?
You are going to experience life-time benefits of feeling Chi massage your body. You will learn relaxations skills, self-development skills, correct posture, profile improvement, flexibility, balance, improved circulation, energy build-up, and self-massage skills.

Contact : Dr Quidong Wang qiudongw@gmail.com   0433007578

中国健身气功专家李仁松 六月7-8访问雪梨

长周末健身气功养生班, 9-4pm 7-8 June 2014
$398.00 1 day $198.00
地点:Dooleys 24-28 John Street, Lidcombe, NSW, 2141
健身气功养生有千年的历史, 从名医孙思邈的六字诀, 华佗 的五 禽戏,少林易筋经, 统中医的,八段锦, 不吃药,不打针,靠的是调心,调息,调身阴阳平衡的人间正道的自然法则。太极气功从历史到今天的现代科学, 已经被证明是修心养性, 强身健体, 简单易学, 收益终身的养生良药, 是防病, 疗伤100%的自然养生方法, 是对于现代紧张生活给人们带来的健康问题的特需, 对于促进人的健康、健美和幸福,促进精神与身体、人与自然的和谐发展具有养生的重大意义.
中国北京,上海,武汉,清华等体育大学与中医医院共同研究经过13年的多达600项的科学实验证明,导引健身气功是根据中医的经络学说,及意念的导引,使全身经络疏通达,舒筋活血,精神放松,思想放松,全身放松,达到治病,疗病的健身效果。健身气功不仅动作幽美,音乐赏心悦目,呼吸自然,在以意导气,以气运身的自然新陈代 谢的韵律中,使人体的各个器官得到最佳状态的调节。
特邀李仁松厦门大学教授,国术与健身研究中心培训部主任, 武术,散打,太极,气功研究员, 国家一级健身气功教练、太极拳、武术套路、散打 的教学和理论研究员。 李教授曾出访多个国家访问与教学。
长周末健身气功养生班, 9-4pm 7-8 June 2014  2 days $398.00 1 day $198.00
地点:Dooleys 24-28 John Street, Lidcombe, NSW, 2141

联络: Contact : Dr Quidong Wang qiudongw@gmail.com   0433007578