Wednesday, 25 July 2018

Binbin Zhang's Translation Awards (Chinese medicine, Chinese translate to English) in 2018

I give thanks to UTS and my supervisor Prof. Chris for helping me improve my English skills during my PhD. I give thanks to my family for always supporting my learning. I give thanks to SIIT teachers for opening a translation gate to me. I give thanks to Endeavour College for always trusting me during the past seven years. I give thanks to my patients and my friends for always supporting me. I give thanks to the organizing committee from World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies for the award!

Wednesday, 10 August 2016

Cupping: What were the marks on Michael Phelps' back?

By Jessica Haynes

When US Olympian Michael Phelps jumped into the pool this week in Rio, it wasn't just his 19th gold medal that made headlines.
Phelps had large, circular bruises that covered his back and shoulders, causing some to question whether they were the result of a paintball session or perhaps falling asleep on all his medals.
But as it turns out Phelps is a fan of cupping.

What is cupping?

It is an ancient therapy, said to be used in ancient China, Greece and Egypt, where glass or plastic cups, sometimes heated, are applied to the skin.
They are usually placed on the back or arms or legs and either heated or pumped to suck the skin into the cup.
In most cases a flammable liquid is put into the cups to create suction.
Some therapists move them around on the back, other leave them on the skin untouched, before taking them off.

What does it supposedly do?

It is said to promote blood flow and bring toxins to the surface of the skin.
People undergo the treatment for a range of health issues including muscle tension, arthritis, sleep issues, fertility problems and pain relief.
However Australian Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine Association vice president Waveny Holland said the use of cupping was up to the practitioner, and not generally used for specific medical ailments.
"It's not a blanket thing like Western medicine," Mrs Holland said.
"Practitioners will treat their patients according to their specific needs.
"Cupping isn't generally used for headache or infertility ... it would be on the practitioner's diagnosis and assessment that they will choose the right treatment for that person."

What about the bruises?

Well, Mrs Holland said her training taught her not to leave any bruises after a cupping treatment.
"For me again, I use it sliding (the cup) and that's like doing a deep-tissue massage without leaving the marks," she said.
"You don't put them over broken skin at all or anything like that.
"You don't want to cause any more bleeding."

Why do athletes do it?

It is said to help improve recovery and promote blood flow.
"I'd be interested to know whether they are Chinese medicine practitioners, whether their professionally trained or whether they're just practitioners who think that cupping might be good thing to do," Mrs Holland said.

US gymnast Alexander Naddour is also a fan.
He told USA Today that it was "better than any money I've spent on anything else".

What does science tell us?

Not much, according to Australian Medical Association vice president Dr Tony Bartone.
"What I can say is that cupping has, from our perspective, no medical benefit whatsoever," Dr Bartone said.
"There is no evidence to suggest — not proven evidence — to suggest that it has a role to play."

Is it dangerous?

Well, it can be.
"Well look ... the theory is it is using a suction to draw ... toxins out of the blood to the surface [and] the pressure, that creates bruising beneath the skin," Dr Bartone said.
"You're breaking ... capillaries... that bruising or bleeding may be extensive and may create deep bruising within muscle which may, in really bad cases, could create some deep scaring or nodules.
"Because some practitioners use heat ... burns are not an uncommon consequence of cupping, not to mention the impressive bruises that are visible for all to see."

So, should you avoid Chinese medicine?

Not necessarily. Dr Bartone said cupping was "one of the more extreme ends" of Chinese medicine.
"Acupuncture has got a role to play," he said.
"It's used by many leading pain management clinics.
"[Cupping] just unfortunately doesn't stand up to the same rigour of scrutiny."
Mrs Holland said it was important to seek out professionals with proper qualifications.
"There's a lot of controversy going around Chinese medicine," she said.
"Chinese medical practitioners have to have a minimum of a four-year bachelor degree [in] Chinese medicine to be registered and practice and we've got to maintain our professional development every year to maintain that registration to practice.
"The national law is supposed to protect [the public] from people who are not properly trained."

Monday, 30 May 2016

Knowing how to use acupuncture to manage nine different pathogenic factors


Needling for pathogenic factors

translated by Binbin ZHANG 

KEY WORD  acuapuncture point

How to manage nine different pathogenic factors?

Acupuncture for Wind: FENG FU, BAI HUI

Acupuncture for water: SHUI FEN  

Acupuncture for block: SHUI DAO

Acupuncture for fatigue: GAO HUANG, BAI LAO

Acupuncture for deficiency: QI HAI, GUAN YUAN, WEI ZHONG

Acupuncture for qi : ZHONG WAN

Acupuncture for cough:  FEI SHU, FENG MEN (MOXA)

Acupuncture for phlegm: ZHONG WAN; ZU SAN LI

Acupuncture for vomiting: ZHONG WAN; QI HAI; NAO ZHONG

All nausea and vomiting in acupuncture treatment are same.  


























DAY 15- Understanding Dong Yuan Acupuncture Needling- CMASA wechat group study

copywrite@ Binbin ZHANG

KEY WORDS:  acupuncture, liver channel

Abstract: This is a conclusion of whole DONG YUAN ACUPUNCTURE NEEDLING. 

[原文] 东垣曰:一富者前阴臊臭[1],又因连日饮酒,腹中不和,求先师治之,曰:夫前阴足厥阴之脉络,循阴器出其挺。凡臭者,心之所主,散入五方为五臭[2],入肝为臊,此其一也。当于肝经中泻行间,是治其本;后于心经中泻少冲,乃治其标。








Friday, 27 May 2016

DAY 14- Understanding Dong Yuan Acupuncture Needling- CMASA wechat group study

CMASA 微信群学习 第14

KEY WORDS: san jiao, qi deficiency, acupuncture
ABSTRACT: This paragraph is about upper Jiao and lower Jiao qi deficiency situation. 

[原文]东垣曰:三焦元气衰旺[1] 《黄帝针经》云:上气不足,脑为之不满,耳为之苦鸣,头为之倾,目为之暝。中气不足,溲便为之变,肠为之苦鸣②。下气不足,则为痿厥心闷。补足外踝,留之。









Thursday, 26 May 2016

DAY 13- Understanding Dong Yuan Acupuncture Needling- CMASA wechat group study

CMASA 微信群学习 第13

copywrite@ Binbin ZHANG

KEY WORD    acupuncture     mu    wrong needling

Abstract           We should use right acupuncture needling techniqus. 

[原文] 若元气愈不足,治在腹上诸腑之募穴1。若传在五脏,为九窍[2]不通,随各窍之病,治其各脏之募穴于腹。故曰五脏不平,乃六腑元气闭塞之所生也。又曰:五脏不和,九窍不通,皆阳气不足,阴气有余,故曰阳不胜其阴。凡治腹之募,皆为元气不足,从阴引阳,勿误也。若错补四末之俞,错泻四末之荥,错泻者,差尤甚矣。按岐伯所说,只取穴于天上。天上者,人之背上五脏六腑之俞,岂有生者乎?兴言及此,寒心切骨!若六淫客邪,及上热下寒,筋骨皮肉血脉之病,错取穴于胃之合,及诸腹之募者,必危。亦岐伯之言,下工3岂可不慎哉!











Wednesday, 25 May 2016

DAY 12- Understanding Dong Yuan Acupuncture Needling- CMASA wechat group study

CMASA 微信群学习 第12 天

copywrite@Binbin ZHANG

KEY WORDS: acupuncture, qi movement

ABSTRACT:  Yang deficiency will affact lower JIAO yin. Acupuncture treatment use ZU SAN LI to rise Lower Yang to the surface. 

[原文] 阳病在阴者,当从阴引阳,是水谷之寒热,感则害人六腑。又曰:饮食失节,又劳役形质,阴火乘于坤土[1]之中,致谷气[2]营气[3]、清气[4]、胃气[5]、元气[6]不得上升滋于六腑之阳气,是五阳之气先绝于外。外者天也,下流伏于坤土阴火之中,皆先由喜怒悲忧恐为五贼所伤,而后胃气不行。劳役饮食不节继之,则元气乃伤,当从胃合三里穴中,推而扬之,以伸元气,故日从阴引阳。


[l] 坤土:坤,八卦之一,代表土地,脾胃属土,故坤土在此是指脾胃而言。
[6] 元气:包括元阴、元阳之气,秉受于先天,又赖于后天濡养而滋生,由先天之精所化,发源于肾。

【语译】 阳病在阴,是指阳气下陷于阴分而致之阴盛阳虚之症。治此症,应当从下焦阴分引得阳气上升于阳分。饮食入胃,寒热不调,易于损伤六腑。饮食失调,又加上过劳而损伤形体,则阴火侵凌于脾胃,使得清气、营气、胃气、元气不能上升去培补六腑的阳气,这是因为五脏阳气,已先绝于外。自然界的病邪作用于人体都是先由喜怒悲忧恐所伤而招致贼邪侵入而发病,进而导致胃气不行,再加上劳役过度,饮食不节,以致元气大伤。这时,应当用胃之合穴足三里,以推而扬之的手法,以助长元气所以把它叫做“从阴引阳”。

 张彬彬注:阳病在阴,是指阳气不足,导致的,而且直接下降到下焦。治疗上要把下焦提到上焦。饮食失调,伤胃使体内的正气不能上升反而下降,加上遇到七情等情感的内因,使得阳气内耗。取 足三里穴“从阴引阳”,把下焦的阳气鼓动到上焦。所以,很多人只是明白足三里是补元气的,却不真明白为什么是补阳气。其实这是针灸治疗中的“从阴引阳”手法。把阳气推到体表。 张彬彬原创,如有转载,请注明出处。